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Perfecting Your Interview Skills

20 Job Interview No-No's

Employers don't interview unqualified job candidates. So if they've scheduled an interview with you, they already think you're qualified. Avoid these 20 interview mistakes to help confirm their judgment that you're a great candidate.  More »

Inside the Hiring Manager's Head at the Job Interview

Do you tend to be nervous when you're about to be interviewed for a job? Do you wonder if you'll emerge as the candidate of choice or if you'll blow your chances because your nervousness might get the better of you? Here are three questions that typical hiring managers have in their minds that they want answers to by the time the interview is over.  More »

3 Ways to Stand Tall in a Job Interview

If you're still looking for a job, I'm guessing that you've had few successful interviews. And the ones you've had led only to frustration. If that has you feeling small about yourself, here are three ways to make yourself taller.  More »

More Amazing Interview Mistakes from (Don't Be) Dave

The latest installment of Pongo's Don't Be Dave video series, Dave's Amazing First Impression, is an object lesson in how to say and do all wrong things when you're meeting someone for the first time. Watch what Dave does and do the opposite!  More »

Watch Out for Interviewers Who Suck

This video illustrates an important interview tip. Always research the employer and learn all you can about their culture before you go to the interview.  More »

4 Body Blunders to Avoid in Your Job Interviews

Despite what you may have assumed about the term body blunders, I'm not talking about passing gas. I'm talking about your body language and the signals your expressions, posture, and movements send when you're meeting with someone. Here's a short list of the biggest blunders that can ruin your interviews, no matter how skilled or qualified you are.  More »

Never Tell the Interviewer You Were Fired

I've been working on a project that involves asking real-world hiring managers for their thoughts on a variety of interview topics. One of the most enlightening comments (so far) came from a hiring manager with 25 years of interviewing and hiring experience. I asked whether a job seeker who's been fired should admit that during an interview. His adamant reply might surprise you.  More »

7 Reasons You Won't Get Called Back after Interviews

The most common work complaint I hear is from frustrated job candidates who don't hear back from an employer after an interview. People tend to take this silence personally, but they shouldn't. Here are seven reasons interviewers don't call candidates back.  More »

A Job Interview Gone Wrong: 5 Videos You Must See

Sometimes our mistakes provide us with important life lessons, but let's be honest: It's a lot more fun to learn the same lessons from someone else's mistakes. That's the idea behind the new video series on Pongo's YouTube channel.  More »

Do You Really Want the Job? Tell Them in the Interview!

Your resume was strong enough to earn an interview. The interview is going well and coming to an end. You like the job, your would-be boss, and the company. Now, you need to be clear to your interviewer that you really want the job! Here are three things you can say without going overboard or appearing desperate.  More »
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