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Perfecting Your Interview Skills

3 Questions to Ask Your Would-Be Boss at the Interview

If you've never had a boss who made you miserable, consider yourself lucky. And if you want to wind up lucky in a new job, you need to know something about your would-be boss. That's why you should ask these three questions in your first or second interview to determine whether this is someone you'd want to work with.  More »

The Secret to Answering Behavioral Interview Questions

Stories can be effective ways of telling a joke or describing an event. They can also make a difference in the job interview as you try to convince a hiring manager that you're the right person for the job. They are, in essence, the best way to answer behavioral interview questions.  More »

Job Interview Don'ts Straight from a Hiring Manager

Ever wonder if you messed up in a job interview and if it cost you the job? Maybe you committed one of the errors that a hiring manager lists in this blog post based on his experience.  More »

8 Dumbass Interview Mistakes New Grads Make

More than 3,000 hiring managers and HR professionals were asked to identify the biggest mistakes new college graduates make during the application and interview process. These are the top 8 interview mistakes among new grads.  More »

Weird Interview Questions and the Reason Behind Them

The job interview is going just great. You came prepared. You and the interviewer have talked about the position, the company, and your would-be coworkers. In short, you're feeling really good and very confident. Then, the interviewer asks one of the weirdest questions you've ever been asked in a job interview. This post offers the reason they ask these questions.  More »

5 Things You Should Say in Every Job Interview

Interviews are complicated, but sometimes the simplest interview advice makes the most sense (the kind you'll get from GL Hoffman, author of the blog What Would Dad Say.) GL provides a list of five simple things you should always say in an interview. No matter who you are or what the job is, these five magical statements will impress your interviewer and set you apart.  More »

5 Things You Should Never Reveal in a Job Interview

Have you ever said something in an interview and walked out completely regretting it? In most situations, it's best to be honest and up front, but there's a time and place for everything. In a job interview, there are certain topics that can quickly take you out of consideration for the job if you voluntarily reveal them. Find out what they are here.  More »

Phone Interview Survival Tips

The phone interview (more aptly called a phone screen) is becoming more and more popular as the first step in the hiring process. If you haven't had one yet, you will, so it's essential to get yourself primed and ready before the phone rings.  More »

How To Recover Quickly from an Interview Mistake

Job interviews can be a recipe for trouble. Any time you combine a nerve-wracking situation with high stakes, the possibility of rejection, and the need to look and act your very best, there will be blood. Hopefully not real blood, but I'm sure that's happened, too. Want to ease your nerves before a job interview? Make sure you're well prepared. And when you do mess up, follow this 4-step recovery process.  More »

Top 5 Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

When an interviewer says "tell me about yourself," do you know the best way to respond? Find out how to answer this common interview question, along with: What is your greatest weakness? What did you like least about your last job? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Tell me about a time you failed.  More »
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