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Perfecting Your Interview Skills

The 5 'Must Knows' of Job Interview Preparation

You've impressed an employer with your resume and they called you to schedule an interview. You're ecstatic. Now, it's time to get over the ecstasy and start preparing for the interview. How do you prepare properly? Follow our five must knows of interview preparation.  More »

You're Qualified, But Do They Like You?

The job seeker's emotional journey is well known - anticipation, disappointment, trepidation, uncertainty, elation - but have you ever considered the highs and lows that interviewers undergo during the hiring dance? Those swings in emotion play into the hiring process. The most qualified candidate is never the one hired. Rather, the candidate who gets the offer is the one who makes the strongest emotional connection with the interviewers.  More »

How to Blow the Interview Before You Say a Word

Interviewing is a multi-sensory experience. And if you inadvertently assault any one of the interviewer's five senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell - you could blow the interview before it ever starts.  More »

Career Advice, Brought to You by American Idol

When it comes to landing a dream job, American Idol contestants are just like the rest of us. In fact, they can teach us a thing or two about interviewing. I know it sounds a little crazy, but hear me out. In the career world, it's widely known that just because you're qualified for the job, doesn't mean you'll get it. If another candidate brings the same skills to the table, the interviewers simply determine who they like better. The same goes for American Idol hopefuls.  More »

How Do You Handle the Salary Question?

Penelope Trunk has a nice post this week on her Brazen Careerist blog on a difficult issue all job interviewees face: Discussing your potential salary, should you take the job. Here are some techniques you can use to handle this question from potential employers.  More »
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