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Strategies For Coping At Work

Brag Your Way to a New Job or Pay Raise

It's a jungle out there in the working world. Employers aren't as loyal to their workers as they were a few decades ago. And many, if not most, employees are more likely to just jump ship and look for new jobs if they don't feel they're getting what they want out of their current ones. That's why it's important to keep a brag sheet that can summarize your accomplishments.  More »

What Does Vacation Time Mean to You?

At the height of vacation season, we're curious to see if your vacations are surviving or suffering this year. What do you spend your vacation time doing? How important is it to you? Do you use it to take real destination vacations, spend time with the kids, or do you not use it at all?  More »

Wanna Tell Off Your Boss? Do It Here!

Admit it: You've had a boss or two who was so overbearing, obnoxious, or unreasonable (maybe all three) that you wanted to tell him or her how you really felt about their comments or behavior. Here's your chance to tell a boss (or ex-boss) what he or she deserves!  More »

Are You Unemployed and Happy or Employed and Miserable?

I hear and read stories about people who feel miserable in their jobs, but can't risk quitting in today's job market. Some who have held onto their jobs are even expressing envy toward those who have been laid off. But would you rather be happily unemployed? Or employed and miserable?  More »

5 Reasons to Share Your Resume with Your New Manager

If you work in a large corporation, chances are you'll go through managers like you go through socks. When you get a new manager, your old manager tells the new manager all about you, whether the information is accurate or not. How do you make sure your new manager is getting the true picture? Schedule a short meeting to review your resume and show him or her exactly what you can do.  More »

5 Factors That Can Hurt Your Performance Reviews

I was impressed by the points Scot Herrick made in a recent post on his blog, Cube Rules. He draws attention to some seemingly mundane tasks that might have more weight in how others perceive your job performance than you think. Did you ever imagine that the way you structure your emails to colleagues could take a toll on how management views your performance at review time?  More »

Poll: Why To-Do Lists Will Save Your Job

Alright, I admit that title's an overstatement. You'd probably have to do a lot more to lose your job than not keep a to-do list. But in an environment with ongoing projects and constantly shifting priorities, it's tough to keep track of what really needs to get done and what can wait if you keep it all in your head. Take our poll and tell us what kind of to-do list you like to keep.  More »

Wellness Programs: Good Investment or Corporate Waste?

It's probably no secret to you that there's a lot of talk about reforming health insurance in the U.S., especially since President Obama took office. That issue has helped drive the development of corporate-based wellness programs. If you're searching for a new job, a wellness program may be an attractive perk, or a huge turnoff, depending on your perspective. But is it right for employers to try and make a little extra money off your personal health?  More »

Survival Tips for Moms Returning to Work

Stay-at-home-moms (SAHMs) and work-at-home-moms (WAHMs) have a lot of obstacles to overcome when they want to (or have to) transition back into the workplace. As a former WAHM for 10 years, I've lived with those powerful fears that seem insurmountable and keep us from going back to the office, hospital, school, factory, restaurant, or shipping dock. No matter how much you want or need to make the transition, it requires a major cognitive switcheroo… and that's never easy.  More »

Tips for Training a Newbie Who's Slow to Catch On

There are quick learners, average learners, and those that just don't seem to get it. So what can you do if you're a quick learner stuck training a new hire who seems to take forever to catch on? Follow these tips.  More »
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