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Strategies For Coping At Work

You May Love Work, But Does Work Love You Back?

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, the annual celebration of love between couples, and the love of skyrocketing revenue for chocolatiers, florists, jewelers, and restaurants. OK, reality and cynicism aside, it would also be nice if employers used Valentine's Day as an opportunity to express their appreciation for their employees.  More »

How Do We Accommodate Autism in the Workplace?

The HBO movie about Temple Grandin, which premiered last week, was pretty realistic in showing how autism can make a person seem very unpleasant in the workplace. But it also showed how autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) can be extremely valuable assets in the right work setting. With as many as one in 100 children currently diagnosed with ASDs, we'd better come up with some innovative ideas for more autism-friendly work options, pronto.  More »

Why Most Workers Can't Get No Job Satisfaction

If you're working, are you happy with what you're doing and where you're doing it? If you are, you're in the minority, according to the The Conference Board, whose recent research found that only 45% of employed Americans are satisfied with their jobs. Which means 55% are not. Why? Blame it on a changing workforce and decreased loyalty between employers and workers.  More »

5 Things Job Seekers and Employers Should Do This Year

Many writers like to make predictions around this time of year. I contemplated writing a list of job market predictions for 2010, but came to realize that a list of five things employers and job seekers should do would be a more nourishing helping of food for thought.  More »

Treat Your Coworkers Like Dogs (Really!)

Got a coworker who gets under your skin and drives you crazy? Is the coworker weird, awkward, and just plain uncomfortable to be around? You can complain to your friends all you want, but it won't make things better. If the person is too thick-headed to take subtle hints, try the Cesar Millan method!  More »

Dirty-Sounding Jobs Quiz: Guess the Industries

You won't see too many job ads for Bosom Pressers or Blind Hookers, but those are real job titles. And despite the smutty images your mind may have conjured up, those and the rest of the dirty-sounding jobs listed in this post are legitimate occupations pulled directly from the U.S. Department of Labor's Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1991 Edition). Just for fun, take our quiz, and see if you can guess which industry they're from!  More »

Prepare Properly for Your Performance Review

Most of us are familiar with the performance review, a typically annual process in which you get together with your boss to review your accomplishments and shortcomings from the past year, and set goals for the coming year. To prepare properly for that evaluation, here are seven questions you should ask yourself.  More »

What's Your Favorite Work-Related Joke?

A recent Pongo Poll revealed that 76% of you consider it more stressful to think about writing your resume and cover letter than writing your will or doing your taxes. To ease a bit of that stress, I think a little comic relief might be in order. Here's the deal: I'll tell you my favorite work-related joke if you'll tell me yours!  More »

Did School Teach You the Skills to Get the Job Done?

We spend many years in school with the belief that a good education will prepare us for the many more years we'll spend at work. But, what you learn in the classroom can take you only so far. It's the work experience that's most critical in helping you get where you want to go in your career.  More »

How to Quit Your Job

Do you hate your job and just want to quit? Did you find a new job and need to quit? Once you decide you've had enough, you need to develop an exit strategy to ensure a graceful departure from your current job. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to quit your job.  More »
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