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Strategies For Coping At Work

New Grads: Survival Tips for Day 1 of Your First Job

The positive feeling you get when you accept a job offer falls somewhere between relief and euphoria. If you're a new college graduate and still looking for that first full-time job, you may experience both. But you'll also have to adjust to a different lifestyle, starting on Day 1 at the new job. Here are five survival tips for that first day.  More »

OMG Cute! Watch Our 'Kids to Work Day' Video

Pongo Resume has always been a family-friendly workplace, but we took it to a new level when we celebrated Take Your Kids to Work Day on April 22 with a series of activities for the younger set. And now, we'd like to share this most-adorable video clip of the occasion.  More »

6 Things You Should Never Say at Work

We may all have these thoughts at times, but some things are better left in your head and out of the lines of conversation. Here are six statements to avoid saying at work if you like your job and want to keep it, including the ever-popular " I'm bored."  More »

Take Your Kids to Work Day? Always a Risky Business

This year, Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day falls on Thursday, April 22. If your workplace is planning something for the day, you're probably filled with equal parts excitement and fear.  More »

5 April Fool's Pranks You Can Safely Pull at Work

The 5 classic pranks in this post are easy, fun, and (probably) won't compromise your job security. In honor of April Fool's Day, leave a comment to tell us about your own favorite pranks!  More »

An Opportunity to Laugh at Ridiculous Career Questions

Every now and then, I visit the Careers & Employment section of Yahoo! Answers to see what people are buzzing about. I've noticed that most questions are expected, like wanting to know what to ask in a job interview or how to address a year of unemployment on your resume. But my most recent search turned a little wacky and funny once I got to the third page of popular questions. What did I find? You'll have to read to find out!  More »

What Motivates You to Do Your Best at Work?

Some adults find it difficult to place their feet on the floor after the alarm clock goes off in the morning. Others can't wait to spring into action. And others wake up without emotion, knowing it will be just another day at the office. What one thing motivates you to do your best at work?  More »

Are Credit Checks on Job Seekers Really Necessary?

Finding a job is tough enough today. Unfortunately, some employers make it even tougher by asking to look at your credit history. But in most cases, they're not necessary and can make life even more difficult for financially strapped, unemployed job seekers who need to find work.  More »

Is Your Workplace Keeping You From Getting Work Done?

So there's this brilliant video over at of an interview with web entrepreneur Jason Fried about Why You Can't Work at Work. I say it's brilliant because he shines light on workplace issues that no one ever really talks about. Watch the video and tell me what you think about his concepts. But if you can't watch the video, here are his key points.  More »

Coworkers Can Make or Break Your Job Satisfaction

A few weeks ago, I attended a get-together with some old colleagues from my college newspaper. Being together again brought back memories of a time when we all worked together toward a common goal. What helped us toward that goal was the camaraderie among the staff. It got me to thinking about the importance of relationships at work.  More »
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