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Stepping Up Your Job Search

A Cheat Sheet for Completing Part-Time Job Applications

You'll be graduating from college this month and beginning the hunt for your first full-time professional job. Guess what? You'll need some money in the meantime. That's a perfect reason to get a part-time job. Here's some helpful info to make your part-time search a little easier.  More »

One More Reason to Use LinkedIn in Your Job Search

Fortune magazine recently called LinkedIn the only social site that really matters if you're serious about managing your career. And that was before LinkedIn launched its new Company Follow feature, which can give you an insider's view of what's happening at the companies you'd like to work for.  More »

College Grads: 3 Beliefs That'll Keep You Unemployed

Many college students will discover a harsh transition from campus life to the current job market, especially the ones who falsely believe these things: 1) That their degree entitles them to a job; 2) That they'll easily land their ideal job; and 3) That they're all set if they have friends in high places. If you believe these things, then the sooner you lose these cocky assumptions, the better your chance at conducting a successful job search.  More »

You'll Get the Job Faster if You Know Someone

Lots of companies have employee referral programs. What is the program about? Basically, it's when an employee refers a friend or old colleague for a position within his own company. If that referral gets hired, then the employee gets a reward, most often in the form of a cash bonus. But did you know that these programs are really beneficial to job seekers, too?  More »

Happy Earth Day! Here's How to Find a Green Job

Much of the world marks the 41st annual Earth Day today. Amid increased warnings about climate change and long-standing calls to make our air and water cleaner, many employers have embraced efforts to improve the environment. If you're looking for a green job, here are five sites you'll want to look at.  More »

4 Ways to Boost Your Attitude for Job Search Success

Eighty-five percent of the reason people get jobs and get ahead in those jobs is because of attitude, reads a stunning statement by a world-famous motivational speaker and author. Yet, most people who are at a crossroads in their careers walk around with a mixed attitude, more of it negative. Here are four ways you can turn it around.  More »

Overqualified? Turn it into an Advantage

It's an oft-read or oft-heard story over the past two years: A very experienced, highly skilled person has worked their way up to a mid- or high-level job, then loses it because of the recession. The person struggles for months, maybe more than a year, to find another suitable job while trying to stay positive about career and life. If you're overqualified, here are three selling statements you can use to get an employer to consider you.  More »

First Impressions Mean Everything in Your Job Search

You have at least five places to make a memorable first impression during your job search. That's good, because if you blow the first impression, you can add that potential job to your Not Gonna Happen list. So follow this list of things you can do to avoid leaving a bad first impression.  More »

3 Job Seeker Tips for Protecting Your Online Reputation

It's common today for savvy employers and recruiters to do a web search on a prospective employee as part of a background check. So, your reputation on the web must be clean of any negative stuff that can deny you the job. Here are three tips to help you monitor and manage your online reputation.  More »

3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References

You may be effective at selling yourself to an employer, but have you lined up former bosses and ex-colleagues who can back up what you have to sell? That's why you need references. Employers want to be sure they're hiring the right person before they make a big investment that will cost thousands of dollars in pay and benefits.  More »
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