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Stepping Up Your Job Search

Poll: Would You Take a Salary Cut with a New Job?

Would you take a salary cut with a new job? For many, the thought of accepting a job that pays less money than they made before is repulsive, especially if their lifestyle is, shall we say, a bit on the extravagant side. Vote in our poll and comment on the topic.  More »

5 Tax Deduction Tips for Job Seekers

Want to know which job search expenses you can deduct on your federal income tax return? Here are five things you need to know before you begin.  More »

Non-College Grads Need Better Job Advice

People who attended college but didn't graduate often have trouble proving their potential to prospective employers. But their numbers are growing and they could use better advice on landing good jobs and following career tracks.  More »

Convince the Employer You're the One to Hire

Do you want the job? Here's advice from some of Fortune magazine's best companies to work for in the U.S.: Know the company and show how they can benefit from your skills and experience.  More »

Job Searching is Not Fair, Dammit!

We always ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, but we never mention how hard it can be to get that dream job (whatever it turns out to be) when they eventually do grow up. But as you know, it can be really, really hard. And really unfair. Here are 10 examples. Got more?  More »

Why You Really Shouldn't Job Hunt at Work

Did you ever hear the expression, Just because you can, doesn't mean you should? I usually say it to my teenage son as he heads off with his friends to the all-you-can-eat buffet. But it also applies to today's blog topic: Searching for a new job using your current employer's resources. You can. But you shouldn't.  More »

10 Reasons Volunteering Is Great for Job Seekers

Volunteering your time and talents has obvious benefits to the people you serve, but if you're unemployed, it provides some pretty major benefits for you, too. In honor of MLK Day, here are 10 good reasons every job seeker should be volunteering.  More »

3 'Must Do' Tasks Before You Change Careers

Are you looking to change careers? No matter if you're unemployed, thriving at your current job, or somewhere in between, it's a good time to act. Here are three bases you must cover well in your search for a new career.  More »

How You Can Overcome the 'Overqualified' Label

Many of you, especially those who found yourselves unemployed over the last three years, struggle to overcome the dreaded overqualified tag during job interviews, if you're lucky enough to make it that far in the process. But some employers slap on that tag too quickly without knowing your true intentions.  More »

Changing Jobs: Think It Through Before You Switch

Each job seeker has a set of reasons for wanting to change jobs. But what's a good reason? That can be a difficult question to answer. What's important, though, is whether you're changing jobs based on a gut reaction or a logical thought process. Read my guest post on  More »
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