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Reaching Work / Life Balance

Ever Consider Working as an Emergency Nurse?

This is a true career story as told to This interview will take you through the ups and downs you can expect as an Emergency Nurse, what it takes to land the job, what you can expect to earn, and more.  More »

Steve Jobs on Job Searching (RIP)

A simple quote from the late Steve Jobs on what goes through a hiring manager's head when they're looking for new employees. Keep it in mind during your job search!  More »

How to Dress Interview Appropriate on a Tight Budget

What do you think of when you think of interviewing? I think of answering a lot of tough questions and wanting to make a good first impression. The best way to make a good first impression is to dress appropriately for the company setting. For a lot of women, this can be a daunting task because they simply don't have the means to get a business appropriate outfit.  More »

Going Back to School Doesn't Have to Be Scary

A lot of people talk about or consider going back to school at some point during their career, either to learn more about their field, earn that ever-important graduate degree, or to reach the next step on the corporate ladder. But many don't actually enroll for one simple reason: It's scary.  More »

How to Stay Sane While Working at Home with the Kids

Let's face it: caring for kids is a full-time job, especially when they are younger than school-aged. Your typical day already consists of diaper duty, snack and meal times, play activities, and (hopefully) educational instruction of some sort. And you're expected to get your work done with all of this going on! Here are some ways to keep your family and work life running well, without losing your sanity.  More »

Poll: Are You Feeling the Optimism, Job Seekers?

Signs are pointing to better times ahead, but long-term job seekers are having trouble staying optimistic. As Optimism Month continues, what's your feeling about your job search prospects? Are you optimistic, neutral, or miserable? Let us know in our poll.  More »

March is Optimism Month: Be Positive!

Last year, an 18-year-old boy who played on my son's high school football team lost his battle with brain cancer. Why would I mention that in a post about optimism? Because this kid left an extraordinary legacy of optimism. Sharing his message seems like a wonderful way to kick off Optimism Month. Watch for more posts about Optimism in the Job Search on the Pongo Blog every Tuesday throughout March.  More »

The Pay is $100 an Hour, But Only Nitpickers Need Apply

Many of us dream about what it would be like to have a high-paying job, like a doctor or a lawyer. A big house, fancy cars, the nicest clothes … then we wake up! But did you know you can be a nitpicker and get paid as well as a surgeon? You just have to know how to pick nits. Literally.  More »

Name Something You Love about Your Job (or the Search)

Here's a question to ponder for Valentine's Day: What do you love about your job search? Or your job? Share it with us.  More »

6 Ways to Revive Your Job Search Resolutions Today

Do you feel like pulling the plug on your New Year's resolutions because you haven't made enough progress? That's fine if you resolved to clean out your closets. You can try again next year. But if your resolution is to find a new job, giving up is not an option. Renew your resolve with these six ideas.  More »
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