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Monday Motivation: A Recovery in Sight!

When Monday is a holiday, as it was last week, you don't really need motivation (well, maybe to drag yourself out of bed). After last week's holiday hiatus, Monday Motivation is back to help stir your passions at the start of a new week – and a new month. What better time to give a little boost to your job search!

The recovery is coming! The recovery is coming! A new survey of leading economists says the U.S. economy should start recovering in the second half of this year. While the National Association for Business Economics Outlook still foresees a decline in economic activity for the second quarter (which ends June 30), it expects a moderate recovery to begin after that. Even the most pessimistic panelists don't expect the recession to last beyond the first quarter of 2010, so take this as a sign that your job search might be a little easier this summer.

Initial jobless claims fall again. The number of Americans filing new jobless claims fell for the second straight week as another sign that the job market may soon turn around. The number of new claims — 623,000 — was about 7,000 less than what analysts expected.

Hard to find jobs? Some employers are finding it hard to fill them. About 3 in every 10 employers worldwide continue to struggle to fill positions, according to Manpower Inc. The top five positions employers are having trouble filling? Manual tradespeople; sales representatives; technical workers (technicians) in production/operations, engineering, and maintenance; engineers; and managers/executives. So, if you're looking in any of these fields, smile, find those job listings, and tinker with your resume.

Happy Monday! And happy June!

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