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Home > Blog: Interviews > What's Your Favorite Question to Ask in An Interview?

What's Your Favorite Question to Ask in An Interview?

Ponder QuestionIf you browse through the archived posts in this blog, you'll find plenty of advice about questions you must ask during a job interview. Asking the interviewer questions is a good way to find out more about the company or the job you're interested in.

It goes without saying that an interview should be a two-way conversation. Ideally, you should ask as many questions as the interviewer asks you – if not more. After all, both sides need to make sure the job and company are a good fit.

Popular questions job seekers can ask include:

  • What do you feel are the most important skills required in performing this job?
  • What are the most important results I would need to achieve in the first 6 months?
  • What are the top challenges I'll face in this position?

Some job seekers may have a favorite question they like to ask at a job interview that reveals a lot about either the job or the company. So, let's turn this post over to you: What is your favorite question to ask in a job interview, and why?

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